I Lied

Um, so I didn’t get my shop updated with any new stuff last week like I said I would. I ended up working on some blankets, so I didn’t have time to devote to other stuff. I’ve also been doing a lot of writing lately, which has been weird and unplanned but good, very good. So since I wasn’t good on my word, here’s some pics to distract you; they are finished objects from last month that used up a bunch of stash yarn:
The Purple Ripple Blanket (pattern: Pink Ripple from Jan Eaton’s “200 Ripple Stitch Patterns”) made for a nurse assistant that helped my sister in the hospital. This makes my second time with this stitch pattern and I really like it. I had originally planned this as a baby blanket, but after about five or ten color repeats, I realized it was too wide for a baby, so it ended up going to someone rather on the petite side. I think my favorite part is the white edging set in contrast to the purple waves.
This one is the Starbucks Throw, named so because the recipient (Nurse Erin) loves Starbucks so much that most of her house color scheme is based off those colors. For this blanket I used my own modified, fixed version of Gary’s Ripple from Jan Eaton’s “200 Ripple Stitch Patterns.” This blanket went really fast; I think it took me less than a week to make and used up a bunch of stash yarn. Yay!
Finally, here are two hats I made as a birthday present for my sister’s best friend who moved to a colder climate and has little hair on his head, so he really needed them, I’m sure. (I love making stuff that is functional!) The green one is my own version of Mistake Rib in the round. The great thing about this hat for a guy is that it’s reversible, so no worries about which side to where the hat on. Plus, in combination with the yarn, it’s kind of a “rugged” looking pattern (not that Mistake rib can’t be used for girl stuff, but it just seems rugged to me, and this hat just seems to say, “I climb things outside”). I’ll probably use this pattern to use up some stash yarn to sell “guy” hats on my shop. (I know, I know, one more thing). The striped hat is just a basic beanie with a 2×2 ribbing border and then stockinette stitch the rest of the way. I had to use two colors cause I didn’t have enough brown, but I liked how it turned out anyway.

In other news, I officially made it through the first month of my 100-day yarn ban following the rules, and I am now on Day 33. I’ve almost completely lost the urge to buy yarn…ok, I can’t fool anybody, I’m such a liar (seriously, I’m a really bad liar. Anybody that knows me knows I’m a terrible liar. That’s just one reason why I’m not a professional poker player). Let me just say that the urge to buy yarn is somewhat buried beneath my willpower to resist. And so far the temptation to buy yarn only occurs every time I see it in the store, but other than that, I’m doing great with this whole not buying yarn for unnecessary reasons thing. Wait, why did I do that again? Oh yeah, too much yarn, not enough time. And this was voluntary?

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